Két iskola, két kultúra, de egy közös nyelv. Iskolánk vendégül látta a Łódź-i Liceum Ogólnokształcące diákajit április 3 és 8 között. A mobilitási programot az Európai Unio PO WER programja támogatta. A diákok megismerték egymás kultúráját és összehasonlíthatták a két várost.

Two cities, two schools, two cultures, but one common language. Students of our school, Szeberényi Gusztáv Adolf Lutheran Grammar School welcomed students of XXX Liceum Ogólnokształcące from Łódź, Poland between 3 and 8 April, 2022 supported by EU funds within PO WER programme Transnational mobility of pupils. We spent one week together in order to show our city and to get to know each other. The Polish students told us and presented us their city so they could compare Lodz and Békéscsaba which was the aim of the project ’Travel to Axis Mundi’. Through English it was easy to talk to each other and get closer. It is always really interesting to meet new people and new places and, in this way they could practise their language skills as well.