school history


A composite of our school history

The period of the junior secondary school (for students aged 10-14).

The local parents establish a private association and they entrust János Breznyík with the education of their sons.

The association is taken under the patronage and control of the local Lutheran congregational eldership.

An assistant minister from Orosháza, Sámuel Mokry takes over the leadership of the secondary school. The church eldership provides its patronage with Soma Styaszny's private school as well. The validity of the annual school reports is verified by Szarvas Secondary School.

The present goverment takes a loan during the Crimean war. The interest is made available to the Lutheran church under the condition of maintaining a 4-grade secondary school specialising in sciences. At that time the word "sciences" meant teaching classical Latin and devoting more time to drawing, the Slovak language, mathematics and contemporary foreign languages.

Establishing a School Foundation. The foundational document states that the founders want an everlasting reminder of the birth year of Rudolf, son of emperor and king Ferenc József I.

There are 43 students at the school. They use the assistant minister's house as a classroom.

The secondary junior school is expanded into 4 grades.

The former community district doctor's house is rented from the village so that the school can use the building. (Today it is a vocational school in Baross street.)

János Horváth is charged with directing the school, which is basically a self- maintaining institution. It is run by the interest received from the Foundation and tuition fees. The number of the students studying in the 4 grades does not surpass 100.

The teaching format is gradually changed into a "one teacher - one subject" system. In previous years one teacher taught all the subjects to the class.

In the spring the students raise money for the expenses of the hoped-for new school building.

Donations for the new school building are given by the generous public.

The new school building is completed. (Today it is the old part of the vocational school in Baross street.) The number of students at this time is 153.

In the year of the 1000th anniversary of the Hungarian state the school receives a government subsidy for maintenance and operational costs. Different foundations and private endowments help to buy the necessary equipment and support the needy students. In the school- yard 7 sycamore trees are planted. Shortly thereafter headmaster János Horváth begins writing the school history but soon becomes ill, leaving headmaster János Bukovszky to complete the work.

The school building, which still functions today, is completed according to the blueprints of the famous architect Ignác Alpár.

1900. október 18.:
The opening ceremony of the new building. The school takes on the name of Rudolf.

The school becomes a secondary school including 8 grades. (For students aged 10 to 18.)

The period of "Augsburg Credo Lutheran Rudolf Secondary School".

In the 8-graded secondary school the 372 students have 28-30 lessons a week.

The secondary school students organise a charity concert and raise money to start capital for the Sports club and purchase its flag.

Electricity is installed in the gymnasium.

Girls are admitted for the first time in the history of the school as private students who take exams at the end of the academic year.

During World War I., under the Romanian occupation a military hospital is established in the school building.

Dr. Lajos Rell becomes Headmaster of the school.

The school literary and debate society takes on the name of Géza Gyóni.

The first parents' meetings are held. Kálmán Vidovszky, the religious education teacher establishes the scout troop of the school.

The Alumni Association starts at this time.

The "Student's Life of Csaba" magazine is first published and 15 issues are sold during the following two years.

Sámuel Palotai's headmastership.

Dr. Lajos Szeberényi's headmastership.

1948. június 18.:
The denominational school becomes state property.

Negotiations begin concerning the church reaquiring its former property.

The Lutheran Secondary School of Békéscsaba begins its second tenure.